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NEWS POST > Motivation

Factory Visit

By: administrator, on 31 Januari 2014, Tag : Factory Visit

More than 4th times a year PT Global Haditech do factory visit around the world. A factory visit is done to see things manufactured, processes at work, to do some test of the equipment that customer buy (Factory Acceptance Test) and do some short training.....

Corporate Social Responsibility

By: administrator, on 30 Januari 2014, Tag : CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large....

HUT PT. Global Haditech ke-18

By: administrator, on 19 September 2013, Tag : Motivasi

Hari Ulang Tahun PT.Global Haditech ke-18 bertepatan dengan Hari Ulang Tahun Direktur Utama PT. Global Haditech yaitu Bapak Ir.Suramto yang ke-56 dan General Manager PT. Global Haditech yaitu Bapak Langgeng Subagyo yang ke-60. Acara tasyakuran ini diselenggarakan di Kantor PT Global Haditech, Jalan Caman Raya 20 A, Jatibening, Bekasi dan dihadiri oleh seluruh karyawan/karyawati PT Global Haditech dengan acara kajian bertemakan ''Bersyukur dan Meminta Maaf''....

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